Welcome to CRYPTALLY
CRYPTALLY is a tool to help solve cryptograms, including the “CryptoQuip”™ and “CryptoQuote”™ puzzles found in the newspaper.
To solve a specific puzzle, type the encrypted text from the puzzle into the box below, including all punctuation. Text will automatically be converted to uppercase. Once the entire encrypted message has been entered and verified, click the ‘Done’ button to display the solving tool page.

To create a puzzle, type the desired text into the box below, including all punctuation. Text will automatically be converted to uppercase. Once the entire message has been entered and verified, click the ‘Convert’ button to encrypt it. If, for some reason, the results are not satisfactory, click the ‘Convert’ button until satisfied. To alter the original text after it has been converted, use the ‘Revert’ button. Once the text has been entered and converted, click the ‘Done’ button to display the solving tool page.

To load a randomly-generated puzzle, click the ‘Random’ button. If satisfied with the puzzle, click the ‘Done’ button to display the solving tool page.
Error message goes here.
Check here to display the board with the lines centered:
There is a block beneath each encrypted letter in the puzzle. Select a box and enter the letter to use instead of the given value. Every occurrence of that encrypted letter will be updated to show the same letter in the box beneath.

To use a different replacement letter instead of the one already entered, simply select one of the occurrences, delete the existing value, and enter the new value.

Alternately, you can drag letters as needed between boxes and the available list to add or remove them from the solution. Dragging a letter from the available list to a filled box will replace the existing letter with the new one. The replaced letter will be returned to the available list. Dragging a letter from one box to another that is already filled will cause the two values to be swapped for the whole puzzle.

Attempts to use the same letter as a replacement for a second encrypted letter are not allowed. To change which encrypted letter corresponds to a given letter, the existing entry must be removed first.

Because the cryptogram standard requires that the encrypted and decrypted values must be different, trying to insert the encrypted letter into the box for that letter is not allowed.

While solving the puzzle, the the following keys have special meaning:
Move the cursor to the first box of the puzzle.
2 or Shift+Tab
Move the cursor to the previous unfilled box of the puzzle. If there are no unfilled boxes between the cursor position and the first box of the puzzle, move the cursor to the last unfilled box of the puzzle. If there are no empty boxes in the puzzle, the cursor doesn't move.
Move the cursor to the previous box of the puzzle. If the cursor is at the first box, move the cursor to the last box of the puzzle.
Move the cursor to the next box of the puzzle. If the cursor is at the last box, move the cursor to the first box of the puzzle.
9 or Tab or Space
Move the cursor to the next unfilled box of the puzzle. If there are no unfilled boxes between the cursor position and the last box of the puzzle, move the cursor to the first unfilled box of the puzzle. If there are no empty boxes in the puzzle, the cursor doesn't move.
Move the cursor to the last box of the puzzle.

Beneath the list of available letters is a key listing all of the letters in the puzzle in alphabetical order. Each letter in the key has a count (or tally) of the number of times the letter appears in the puzzle, with a box beneath it where the replacement letter will be displayed once it is entered. These boxes operate exactly the same as the boxes in the puzzle. Letters can be entered, deleted, or moved in the same way.
Error message goes here.
Puzzle solving work area here.

The ‘Clear’ button clears all of the entered values from the board.
The ‘Modify’ button brings you back to the board edit screen to fix any typos in the current board.
The ‘New’ button opens a new board screen for creating a new game.
Copyright © 2021-2023 Robert Easterbrooks. All Rights Reserved.
Some text some message..