Other colors may be substituted where traditionally appropriate, if desired. Some typical examples are Black, used for funerals, and Pink, used on the third Sunday of Advent.
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Liturgical Years
For Sundays and other special days throughout the church year, there are three
sets of readings assigned for the day. These readings are assigned to Liturgical
Years A, B, and C. Years which are evenly divisible by 3 are assigned year C,
such as 1995. Year A follows year C, Year B follows Year A, and Year C follows
Year B. Bear in mind that Liturgical Years start on the first Sunday of Advent
of the previous year, so December 1, 1996 started Liturgical Year B.
Liturgical Cycles
For weekdays in ordinary time and other special days throughout the church year,
there are two sets of readings for the day. These readings are assigned to
Liturgical Cycles I and II. Odd years are assigned cycle I, and even years are
assigned cycle II. Bear in mind that Liturgical Cycles start on the first Sunday
of Advent of the previous year, so December 1, 1996 began Liturgical Cycle I.
Seasons of the Liturgical Year
The seasons of the liturgical year begin with Advent, a time of
preparation for the Christmas season. The Christmas
season celebrates the birth of Jesus (on December 25) and continues
until the Baptism of Our Lord. This is followed by the first of two periods of
Ordinary Time, which continues until Ash Wednesday. Ash
Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, a time of
penitence leading to the Paschal Triduum after the Lord's Supper on Holy Thursday. The
Triduum is the three days before Easter. Easter Sunday
marks the start of the Easter season, which continues as a time
of celebration until Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost Sunday marks the
start of the second period of Ordinary Time, which continues
until the Advent season begins again.
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Holy Days of Obligation
Holy days of obligation are special feasts on which Catholics who have reached the age of
reason are seriously obliged to assist at Mass and avoid unnecessary work. See
Sunday Obligation below.
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Sunday Obligation
One of the precepts of the Church is to keep holy the day of the Lord's Resurrection; to worship God by
participating in Mass every Sunday and holy day of obligation; to avoid those activities
that would hinder renewal of soul and body, for example, needless work and business activities, unnecessary
shopping, and so forth.
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Feasts, Memorials, Commemorations and Solemnities
These are days which the Church has set aside as having special meaning. There are several types of
celebrations. Some are events in the life of Christ. Some are days dedicated to a particular saint. There
are three types of feast days. Optional Feasts are not universally celebrated. Holy
Days of Obligation are days on which Catholics are required to attend Mass. All other celebrations are
celebrated, but Catholics are not obligated to attend.
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Fasting is restricting eating to one full meal and two lighter meals in the course of a single day, and
prohibits eating between meals. Adults who have not yet reached their sixtieth year are bound by the Canon Law to
fast. Pregnant women and people who are sick are not obligated to fast.
Fast and
Abstinence is refraining from eating meat. People who have completed their fourteenth year are bound by the
Canon Law to abstain.
Anyone who feels that they cannot fulfill the law of abstinence or the law of fasting should consult a
parish priest or confessor.
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For many celebrations throughout the year, readings are assigned from various Commons.
Commons are groups of readings appropriate for a type of celebration. These readings include
First Readings, Responsorial Psalms, and Gospel Readings. One reading may be selected from
each group for use during the Mass.
Often, more than one type of Common is appropriate for a celebration. In these cases,
readings may come from any of the appropriate commons. Alternately, the readings from the
regular liturgical year or cycle for the current
day (the proper of the Season) can normally be used.
Easter is a special season for Commons. During Easter, a separate set of readings is
assigned for the First Readings.
There are also subcategories within the Commons. These are readings which are more
appropriate for some celebrations than others. An example of this is the subcategory
of Popes within the Common of Pastors.
There are seven Commons for the liturgy, as follows:
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Many celebrations throughout the year have specific readings assigned. These readings
are called the Proper of the celebration. These readings are usually chosen over
the Commons, as they are more appropriate for the specific
Additionally, each day of the year has a set of readings appropriate for the day and
season. These readings are called the Proper of the Season.
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The Rosary
The Rosary is a series of prayers specifically prepared to be used in personal
devotion. That is, the Rosary can be prayed alone or in without the guidance of
a spiritual leader. This differs from a mass, which is meant to be
led by a celebrant.
The Rosary has several prayers which are constant, and the Mysteries, which can
vary. Prior to October 16, 2002, there were three sets of Mysteries. On October
16, 2002, Pope John Paul II added a fourth set. Although there is no
requirement to do so, most people follow the recommended schedule of the Mysteries,
which lists a different set of Mysteries for each day.
The Mysteries of the Rosary are as follows:
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The Joyful Mysteries | ||
The Annunciation; The Visitation; The Birth of Jesus; The Presentation; The Finding in the Temple | |||
These are the Mysteries of Jesus' birth and early life. | |||
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The Luminous Mysteries (added October 16, 2002) | ||
The Baptism; The Wedding at Cana; The Proclamation of the Kingdom of God; The Transfiguration; The Institution of the Eucharist | |||
These are the Mysteries of Christ's priesthood. | |||
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The Sorrowful Mysteries | ||
The Agony in the Garden; The Scourging at the Pillar; The Crowning with Thorns; The Bearing of the Cross; The Crucifixion | |||
These are the Mysteries of Christ's suffering and death. | |||
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The Glorious Mysteries | ||
The Resurrection; The Ascension; The Descent of the Holy Spirit; The Assumption; The Coronation | |||
These are the Mysteries of Christ's victory over death and Mary's special place as the Holy Mother. |
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English translation of the Catechism of the Catholic Church for the United States of America, copyright © 1994, United States Catholic Conference (http://www.nccbuscc.org/)
Handbook for Today's Catholic, copyright © 1994, Liguori Publications (http://www.liguori.org)
What It Means to be Catholic, copyright © 1986 St. Anthony Messenger Press and Franciscan Communications (http://www.americancatholic.org/)
Vatican II Sunday Missal, copyright © 1974, Daughters of St. Paul (http://www.pauline.org)
Vatican II Weekday Missal, copyright © 1975, Daughters of St. Paul (http://www.pauline.org)
The Catholic Calendar Web Pages
Revision 04.00, last updated on 2018 JAN 07
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